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Madam President,
The 44th session of UNIDO IDB coincideswith the 50th Anniversary of the founding of UNIDO. For 50 years, by providingpolicy consulting services and launching projects for technical cooperation,UNIDO has provided a strong impetus to the industrialization process in thedeveloping countries. Particularly, over the past nearly 4 years, under theleadership of the Director-General Li Yong, UNIDO has made positivecontributions to promoting the cooperation in global industrialization.
Madam President,
2015 was an important year of transition inthe history of UNIDO. We are pleased to note that with the wide support fromthe Member States, including China, the concept of “inclusive and sustainableindustrial development” (ISID) advocated by UNIDO has been successfullyincorporated into the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” as the SDG 9,thus expanding and improving UNIDO’s influence and position in theinternational development fields. China hopes that UNIDO will keep this goodmomentum by being actively involved in the global international meetings andplay further roles in the field of international development and cooperation.At the same time, it must perform good top-level designs, strengthen the policycoordination with other UN development systems and their Member States,formulate the relevant specific targets, mobilize resources and make morecontributions to the universal achievement of the “2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment”.
At the end of 2013, the 15th GeneralConference of UNIDO was convened and the “Lima Declaration” was adopted,confirming “ISID” to be UNIDO’s new development strategic. For the past years,while focusing on the implementation and providing traditional technical cooperationto Member States, UNIDO was engaged in bold innovation of new business models.In November 2014, the PCP pilots were launched. We are pleased to note thatUNIDO has formulated industrialization plans tailor-made for Ethiopia andSenegal to help them achieve industrial restructuring and accelerate theprocess of industrialization. Initial results have been achieved. At the “ThirdInternational Conference on Financing for Development” held in July last year,UNIDO successfully organized the “Third ISID Forum”, at which the two above-mentioned pilot projectswere promoted and a very good platform for communication and dialogue forpotential PCP investors provided. At present, the PCP pilots have been expandedto Peru in Latin America.
China appreciates UNIDO’s effort totranslate commitments into tangible actions. The launching and expansion of PCPneed financial support. China has supported the UNIDO’s effort with concreteactions. In 2014, UNIDO successfully organized two ISID Fora with contributionsfrom China and successfully launched the pre-study on the two PCP pilotprojects in Africa. In 2015, China announced that it would provide US$8,000,000to UNIDO’s PCP Trust Fund in order to support UNIDO to further promote andexpand PCP projects. China hopes that upon consolidating the existing PCP,UNIDO will continuously summarize experiences, provide more timely progressreports to the Member States, offer guidance and information to help theparticipation of the government of the Member States, financial institutionsand private sectors, so that the results of industrialization will benefit moredeveloping countries through the implementation and expansion of PCP pilotprojects and carrying out traditional technical cooperation projects.
China is pleased to note that UNIDO willintroduce moral conduct and accountability in its “Medium-term programframework, 2016-2019”. At the 31st Session of the Program and Budget Committee,the “Transparency Initiative” was launched. China believes that the above organizationalmanagement measures will further improve UNIDO’s management system andstructure and lay a sound basis for UNIDO to improve efficiency and services.We hope that UNIDO will further improve its own work efficiency, save onadministrative expenses, make full use of the networks of its field offices,strengthen communication and coordination with the policy and TC departments ofthe Member States and provide more and better services to the Member States.
Madam President,
The Chinese government attaches greatimportance to the cooperative relationship with UNIDO. Particularly since 2013,the Chinese government has provided US$ 20 million in voluntary contributionsand carried out South-South Cooperation with UNIDO. In 2015, with thecontributions from China, China and UNIDO selected countries in Asia, Africaand Latin America for cluster development of small hydro-power projects,implemented slaughterhouse waste management capacity-building projects inEthiopia and promoted the development and cooperative projects among small andmedium-sized enterprises in China and other BRIC countries through e-commerce.Working with UNIDO, China and the Russian Federation are actively promoting theproject in Tajikistan to improve the carpet-knitting techniques. China believesthat these cooperations will further promote the industrial cooperation amongthe interested countries and help other developing countries to achieve asustainable industrial development.
Madam President,
The UN General Assembly adopted the “2030Agenda for Sustainable Development” in September 2015. As the largestdeveloping country, China has begun an all-round implementation of the Agenda.On September 19th, 2016, China introduced the “Country Program of China toImplement the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’”. Guided by the“Country Program”, China will implement the philosophy of innovation,coordination, green, open and shared development, accelerate the move toimplement the agenda for sustainable development while continuing to strengthencooperation with international organizations, including UNIDO and makecontributions, to the best of its ability, to the cause of global development.At the same time, China also calls upon all Member States to provide moreactive support to and be more involved in the work of UNIDO by helping UNIDO tomeet the challenges, especially the difficulties in finance and human resourcesso as to make it better able to implement the mandate entrusted to it by theMember States.
Thank you, Madam President.