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        Industrial Development Office of the Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna


        来源: 类型:

        China’s statement at the 37th Session of UNIDO PBC Agenda Item 16:Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III)

        My delegation appreciates that Director General Li Yong presents a report on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa. We are glad to see there have been many notable progress in the implementation of IDDA III as this report indicates, for example, development of a PCP for Tanzania was initiated in 2020, and a PCPself-starter for Kenya was launched in 2021.

        We note that staffing of the IDDAIII Secretariat is scheduled to be completed by June, this year. China is communicating with this Secretariat on the cooperation issue. China will actively support its work and make contribution to the implementation of the programme for IDDA III.